“Payload” Live Now

My horror drabble features in “Dark Moments” from Black Hare Press

“Payload” was written from the prompt provided — ‘100 ways to stop a zombie apocalypse’.

How would it end? There are so many hundreds of zombie stories out there, and I will never stop having fun thinking up more, but this was a different sort of challenge. Often when I write about zombies, I focus on the middle of the problem (Walking Dead style), not the last actions of survivors or, worst case scenario, the final victims.

I’m so proud to have this piece alongside the other stellar drabbles in ‘Dark Moments’. Be sure to give them a read if you stop by!

The last city sprawls below—a hodgepodge of rooftop slums. With the deafening thump of helicopter blades pounding in my skull, I radio the pilot. “Target below. Keep us steady.”

Read ‘Payload’ for free on Dark Moments


“Tom Cat” and “Negative Image” Live Now


“Payload” Accepted by Black Hare Press